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Rainbow Society of Alberta

Jane Wheeler

First Wednesday of the month charity blog.

The Rainbow Society of Alberta is a charity that grants wishes to children throughout the province who have been diagnosed with a life-threatening or severe chronic medical illness.

The Rainbow Society believes in the power of community, they are different from other international wish granting groups in that your donations are only used to grant wishes for sick children right here in Alberta. Along with children who have a life-threatening condition, they also grant wishes for children who have a severe chronic medical illness.

A child who is asking for a wish may have spent over half of the last year, or even half their lives, in the hospital. They have undergone medical procedures that would make grown adults weary. Their families have been by their side through it all, and are anxious and worried. A wish can give them hope. It can give them strength. It can let them know their community is doing what we can to help them get better.

I worked for The Rainbow Society and some of my most treasured memories ever are of these kids. When I got to go and do interviews and spend some time with the children - these kids and their families are amazing. They taught me so much about strength and courage and life. They are indeed some of my all time heroes.

The Rainbow Society of Alberta is not government-funded at any level, and rely solely on the generosity of others to help turn dreams into reality for the children.

Funds are raised through private and corporate donations and various fund raisers held throughout the year.

All donations benefit children right here in Alberta.

If you would like to support them, volunteer at an event or if you know of a child and family that could use a "wish" here is their contact info:


#1- 6604 82 Avenue Edmonton AB, T6B 0E7 Phone: 780-469-3306 Fax: 780-469-2935


PO Box 1153, Station M Calgary AB, T2P 2K9 Phone: 403-252-3891 Fax: 403-254-5183

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