As I wind up the finishing steps in our latest wood working project it has become an analogy to the term finishing well.
We have another kitchen island almost completed and I am spending my time sanding, staining, more sanding, varnishing, waiting, more sanding and more varnishing. The result is astounding - taking a raw piece of wood that has given me a few good splinters, to a finished smooth and amazing piece of functional kitchen furniture. For me that is the truly fun part of wood working - the transformation of one thing to another.
The amount of tools involved in this project has been huge. There is a tool for almost every step; nailer, hammer, screws, glue, saws - numerous, square, level and the list continues - I have a picture of just some of the tools.

No matter what we do in life the finishing steps can indeed be the most labour intensive and burdensome, but without proper finishing, what did we begin a project for?
It could be our marriage, raising our children, school, job, relationships, hobby or even just our day - everything that concerns us only gives us the inner satisfaction when we finish them well.
God could say the same for us - "finish well". There is a part of the process that belongs to me and a part of the process that belongs to God. God has tools we are not even aware of - other people, projects, hardships, delights, prayer and faith are some that come to mind.
Phillipians 1:6 in the Bible says, "being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." God will ensure He does His part and help us in the transformation process. Our part is to yield to His leading and prodding. I have to tell you that when I am being sanded and polished it is not a pleasant process and I rarely see any progress, but the end result - the transformation, will undoubtedly be worth it.
A person of great worth in our Father's eyes.
