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Dangerous Doubt

Jane Wheeler

What do we do when we think God clearly directed our path and then the path abruptly dead ends?

We sit with our hopes dashed, spirits crushed and wondering what we did wrong or at best, how we got the plan so wrong? We start to question why God allowed this? We wonder how to go back or which direction to turn.

This happened to my husband and myself this past week.

We were so sure we were to buy a piece of property. It was prayed about, over and even one person could describe it without ever being there. It had to be true!

Then we got the call, we could not complete financing for a couple of reasons, the primary one: the bank said there was no way to proceed based on construction of the cabin.

The first emotion was confusion, then anger, followed by disillusionment.

Where had we gone wrong? Was this a test? Was there sin somewhere? Would God be so cruel? Doubt starts to creep in.

“Did God really say?”…. we have heard this statement before, thousands of years ago in a garden. Genesis 3:1

We had become so excited, we had started to dream and plan, we were under 2 weeks from completing the deal.

This kind of thing can happen with any of our dreams.

Still the lingering question is “why?” I do not have an answer.

But then a voice from somewhere inside starts to say, “why not?” I do not have an answer.

I am thankful, that our problem is not a major life issue, because to be honest, there are some really big major life problems that can cause us to also have doubt.

Where do we go when life is confusing, when dreams have to die, when life seems unfair, when the bottom gives out or a son or daughter does not come home, when the Dr’s office calls, or a husband refuses to give his family a try?

It is not surprising that Doubt is satan’s best tool, he has used it for centuries. He does not have to get you to not believe in God, rather he gives you a simple little phrase and your own mind does the rest. “Did God really say…?”

We start to question everything, looking at the situation from every angle, except usually the right one and we begin to doubt everything we know. We give up on God, feeling that He has let us down, abandoned us. I am so thankful that He does NOT, ever, give up on us.

God is the prodigal father that is waiting at the end of the driveway watching for you to drive up.

God is the good Samaritan who goes out of his way to tenderly puts us on his donkey and takes us to the inn to tend our wounds and then ensures we are taken care of.

God is the Father who sent His Son to take on our sins, yours and mine and demolish them for all eternity through a cruel, twisted and tragic death on a cross.

This is the God who stays. He never leaves, never deserts, never is not watching, never forgets your name, there is nothing that can separate the love of God from you – not one single thing. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. (Hebrews 13:8)

Nothing in all creation can keep His love from you, except perhaps – you. Doubt will take you down that path, He has not changed but you have.

When you start to doubt Him, His Love, His Care, His Attention – remember He is running to you, never running from you. If you need to, turn around and run right back into His waiting arms, because He truly is the God who stays.

The first time you listen to the song, close your eyes and let the words sink deep into your heart.

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