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Snow Plowing

Jane Wheeler

I found this blog in my “drafts” folder, it is several years old. It was so nice to find an old memory in this season of missing Brian. It made me smile at our version of a “date night”.

Older blog:

We bought a truck with a snow plow. Last Friday we had a date night and we spent it teaching me how to plow snow! It was so much fun, really, I loved it!

I was randomly looking at how to spell snow plow online wondering is it snow plough or snow plow? Apparently it is both and even snowplough.

I also found a list of terms involved with snow plowing that I am thinking I should possibly know: Angle-position, windrow, backdrag, blade curl, moldboard, push back, skids, shoes and sleds.

I was just having some fun and now I am wondering if I am in over my head, then I spotted the following rules for snow plowing and I had to ask myself…. Really? These had to be written down, they are not common sense?

Things Not To Do (seriously these were on a snow plowing sight):

  • Never pile snow on someone else's property.

  • Never pile snow on a street or on sidewalks.

  • Never pile snow on top of any structure.

  • Never pile snow by mailboxes, dumpsters, water drains, catch basins, electrical boxes or fire hydrants.

  • Never push snow across a road without first checking the local regulations. In many areas it is illegal to push snow across a road.

I then happened upon the necessary skills listed to be a professional snow plow driver:

"If you are considering a job as a snow plow driver, you need to be comfortable in the driver's seat of a big truck. Maneuvering a snow plow through poor visibility, strong winds, icy roads and aggressive drivers for 10-12 hour shifts at a time takes an incredible amount of patience and training."

I read the list and absolutely do not want the job that has to deal with “aggressive drivers” listed. Good grief I spend a great deal of time driving as it is and I get to see "aggressive drivers daily," it is not what I would chose for a career choice!

It feels like they made snow plowing way to serious… for me. We do not have this truck now but I have a quad with a plow, it is more my size so I think I will just roam around pushing some snow and having fun with that.

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