It is the first Wednesday of the month and time to shine the spotlight on a great organization PLUS announce a new Inscribe Contest with Janette Oke.
Last call for Writers!
The Annual Inscribe Christian Writers Fellowship of Canada's Conference will be happening this month September 22-24 in Edmonton at the Sawridge Inn and Convention Center.
It is estimated that 80% of people have a book locked somewhere inside them waiting to break out. For those people and for authors already unleashing their stories this Conference is for you! You do not have to be an Inscribe Member to attend.
I know when I went last year for the first time - I went in thinking "who am I to be here, I do not even know what I am doing". I even hid in my hotel room for the first 20 minutes trying to get the courage to go down to the first evening mixer, wondering what I would say to people. Well I fit in just fine - this is where people with those thoughts need to be! There were many just like me and we were able to talk, share and bounce ideas off each other - it was refreshing and I was so thankful that I went.
A series of workshops, panel discussions, Blue Pencil, key note speaker - Linda Hall - mystery-thriller/romance author, are all lined up to present all the information you could want as a writer and a want to be writer.
Workshops Include: Indie Publishing (Independent or self-publishing), Switching Genres, Formatting
E-books, Marketing, Platform Building, Reaching Your Readers.... and many more.
The VIP day (a separate event) is slated for Thursday September 22 9:30-4:30 (only 20 spots available). This event is tailor made for authors to help them present themselves to the writing community with professionalism. Come be prepared to have your hair done, make up applied, head shots taken and a complete One Sheet prepared. Attend the VIP day on its own or add it to the whole conference package.
Add to the conference some great contests - Visual Arts Contest - bring your work, Winter Contest, Barnabas Contest, and the New Janette Oke Award.

Janette Oke is a lifetime member of Inscribe and some members of Inscribe have long wished to honor her faith, writing career and Christian commitment that have impacted millions around the world. The committee is blessed to be able to start to offer this award at Inscribe’s Fall Conference 2016.
The award will be given to a current InScribe member who demonstrates a strong Christian commitment, a desire to impact society with family and Christlike values in their work, belongs to InScribe, and is innovative or brave in their chosen genre. The committee is not looking for a similar theme or genre but a sense of commitment, conviction and a strong desire to persevere in their field.
For more info and to register for the conference please go to: www.inscribe.org