For all of us, including me, that was wondering about where/what we were moving into, meet my new temporary home.
It is a beautiful trailer and fits Brian, me and Mocha so that is all that matters. Bought quickly, just like the house sale, we will probably camp locally for a couple nights so we can get used to the trailer and figure out all the little quirks while having services nearby.
Personally I am done, physically and mentally. There are so many decisions, and items to do when moving and squishing them all into 2 weeks is mind blowing. I am thankful I gave God my memory a long time ago or we would be in real trouble. My other solace comes from snippets from God Himself. The other day in my reading He talked about the Greek word for the Holy Spirit, "dunamis" which is from the root word "Dunamahee" which means to be able. There is no measure given to it which means that with the Holy Spirit that we can live and move and breath beyond which is our ability to do. I need that right now, so much. The ability to be able to do more than I think I can do. The other definition of Dunamahee is "I can". As the writer puts it, "The power of the Spirit is the power of I can." The Book of Mysteries by Jonathan Cahn
There have been so many times where I simply have to tell myself that "I can and I am able." God has given me His Spirit and knowing that my part is to breath in and out and take another step. I find strength when it wanes and the ability to keep on going. Perhaps you are looking a way to keep going - remember the definition of the Holy Spirit "I can" and "I am able". If you have asked the Holy Spirit to come and live inside of you, your resource is unlimited - dwell on that for a while.
The house is 98% empty, we had a wonderful crew (family and 1 friend who is part of our tribe) to help to move the bulk to storage. Rather than the traditional pizza we still had our smoker so we put on a turkey and had a turkey meal for lunch. Yes you missed out, it was delicious.
I asked Ray, my youngest, if we were hoarders and he said no. Boy, do we seem to have lots of stuff. The next day we worked on our "wood" collection. As we opened the trailer to put that into storage because it has been kept dry some of it for over 5 years, Ray admitted that after seeing the collection, indeed he confirmed we were definitely wood hoarders. The price of lumber right now we have probably equivalent to a gold mine.
I have discovered through this process that the property is not the end of the story, it is not the climax to get to. It is rather this whole renovation, moving process and the journey. This is where we are learning, growing, teaching along the way. The actual move to the property is simply another chapter in the book of our life. We have to live each day to the fullest, learning whatever lesson is for that day, enjoying the people around us and taking time to breathe. That is the secret of a full and thankful life and I would have missed it if I had not been listening to what God was telling me. I admit I was so focused on getting to the property that was all that mattered, but it is not.
We have learned to hold all things loosely (okay except the wood) and have no attachments that are holding us back - that was a process in itself to work through. I have had melt downs, I have had waves of grief, and absolute fear and anxiety wash over me and if I sit and think about all of the unknowns - it could happen again in a heartbeat. I am so very thankful for all the people praying for us because I can feel the strength of those prayers. Marriages are tested severely in times like this and Brian and I know prayer is helping.
All in all I would have to sum up the past few months as: brutal, intense, exciting, rewarding, scary and frustrating but my friends, if you want to live a boring life and stay safe, stay right where you are and don't do any new adventures. BUT if you want to live on the edge, have excitement (sometimes too much), live a life that causes you to completely live on faith - then climb on board, strap in and ask God - "what's next?" Then hang on tight.
thanks Jane great Blog the Holy Spirit is our way through!!