1st Wednesday of the Month Charity Feature
This week I would like to shine the spotlight on Aglow.
Aglow International Canada - “Every nation touched, every heart changed.”
For more than 45 years, Aglow has been spreading the light and power of the Gospel to change lives. The real strength of this movement is its breadth — it is in more than 170 nations on every continent except Antarctica. Yet Aglow materials have even made their way to that remote region!
Ordinary women and men — 20,000 volunteer leaders worldwide — touching 17 million lives annually through:
• Local groups offering encouragement in the Word, worship, prayer and personal ministry
• Opportunities for each person to uncover their incredible identity in Christ, and to use their gifts for the Kingdom
• A global prayer network with the capacity to digitally raise 1 million intercessors
• Bringing awareness and education concerning critical Middle East issues, and logging hundreds of thousands of hours of corporate prayer for that region through weekly conference calls
• Evangelistic teams transforming many nations and cities world-wide
• Prison ministries reaching out to bring hope to women, men and teens
Want to be a part of this exciting ministry?
• Get involved in a local group – the Grande Prairie Aglow Chapter meets on Tuesdays at 10:00am at the Church of Christ on Resources Road. Or go online to find the nearest group near you.
• Join worldwide prayer network and influence the world with your prayers.
• Take part in evangelistic and prayer trips.
• Attend our annual conference or a retreat or a leader development.
Aglows' goal is to see women and men carry His Presence into every town, village, and city in the world.
You can find more info on their websites:
Aglow Canada - www.aglowcanada.com
Aglow International – www.algow.org
"Every nation touched, every heart changed."