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Jane Wheeler
Mar 15, 20235 min read
My Plan or His?
Oh wow, I have had one of those “teaching” weeks, I wrote my blog early thinking I was so efficient, little did I know that it really was...
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Jane Wheeler
Mar 8, 20238 min read
The Ducks and the Lilies
People ask me, 'where do you get your stories from'? and inside I chuckle because it’s my life, my real life, I can’t make this stuff up...
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Jane Wheeler
Mar 1, 20237 min read
A Little Bit of This and That.....
A little bit of this, This week marks the 3rd Anniversary of the Prayer Room in the Mission Thrift Store here in Gr. Prairie – woohoo!...
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Jane Wheeler
Feb 22, 20234 min read
Nothing New - Not Even Electric Cars
I pulled up to the drive through window and the very attentive and talkative young fellow said to me. “You, Canadians you like your...
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Jane Wheeler
Feb 15, 20234 min read
And Down I Went!
It might seem a bit early to be declaring spring, but I heard a spring bird calling out a few days in a row in the past couple weeks. The...
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Jane Wheeler
Feb 8, 20235 min read
And then I got it... A Revelation!
And then I got it…….. When you finally get a concept that is trying to be downloaded to you, you know a lightbulb moment, an “uh-huh”...
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Jane Wheeler
Feb 1, 20235 min read
I Heard a Miracle....
Wonder of wonders, I heard a miracle! My husband actually said the words, “I will have to read the manual,” regarding something that he...
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Jane Wheeler
Jan 25, 20236 min read
Plight of the Donkeys
(Picture taken from The Donkey Sanctuary of Canada) Donkeys are in danger of being wiped out! I had no idea about this. Donkeys are not a...
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Jane Wheeler
Jan 18, 20233 min read
The Jetson's Nailed It! Flying Cars
Who would have thunk it? The Jetson cartoons nailed it! While that might age me, and maybe not a whole lot of you know about the Jetson’s...
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Jane Wheeler
Jan 11, 20234 min read
The Happiest Country in the World for 5 Years
My Nature It is official, for five years in a row the country of Finland has won the distinguished award of the “happiest country in the...
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Jane Wheeler
Jan 4, 20235 min read
It Looked Like Someone Sneezed In My Hair
I have mentioned that I am a true forager, a back to nature kind of gal, I just love foraging and making things from nature. My Christmas...
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Jane Wheeler
Dec 28, 20225 min read
Planes, Trains and Automobiles, the best time of the year....
Holiday vacations, a time of rest, relaxation and joy, we can close our eyes and see the blue water, envision ourselves on the beach...
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Jane Wheeler
Dec 21, 20226 min read
My Christmas Blog 2022
I bought this shirt. Yes, it is “bright” and “stand out-ish” but you know it was the only shirt in a 4 sided t-shirt rack that had a...
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Jane Wheeler
Dec 14, 20224 min read
You know there are some things in life that we do over and over again simply because it is the way we “always” do it or we have “always”...
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Jane Wheeler
Dec 7, 20224 min read
Angels, And Life After Death Experiences as Told to Me...
December seems to be a month for angels, but I think we miss the fact that angels are actually a year round entity. Maybe it is because...
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Jane Wheeler
Nov 30, 20227 min read
Genie In A Bottle
I fear that many people today, both Christian and non-Christian alike think about God in such away that it could be best described as a...
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Jane Wheeler
Nov 23, 20225 min read
I have talked about perspective a few times in my blogs, and it is hard to convey my perspective to you and difficult for me and others...
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Jane Wheeler
Nov 16, 20225 min read
Your Foundation Has to Change
I was sure that I was standing on the rock that is solid ground. You know the scripture – “Therefore everyone who hears these words of...
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Jane Wheeler
Nov 9, 20225 min read
The Chimney - Another Twilight Zone Mystery
This may seem like the start of a weather rant, but really it is not. It just happens to be something that happened in minus 26 and that...
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Jane Wheeler
Nov 2, 20224 min read
The No Plan Weekend
Brian had organized a weekend away for us for our anniversary (Oct. 20) he thought he would surprise me. He certainly did and I was...
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